Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Military attack again ISIS or not?

      According to the article, “Obama to bomb ISIS in Syria: 5 reasons for and against airstrikes.” The United States foreign intervention and policies through the use of the military attacks have become a contagious issue in the recent times.  Given that the Syria government is no longer recognized by the America government, the United states administration claimed that it won’t seek permission of conducting the military surveillance from president Bashar Assad become they  no longer recognize the government of the day. There are many reasons as to why the United States government shall authorize the airstrikes and a launch of the military attack against the ISIS which might include: ISIS expansion into Syria, calls for airstrikes are growing steadily, an assumption that airstrikes shall stabilize Syria, the fact that United State is already striking Syria and the need of the united states government to protect its territory. 
        According to United States government military attacks against Syria will actually stop the ISIS from advancing to Syria where the Sunni militant group is believed to have strong base command in Raqqa near Iraq.  The military attack will eventually control various military bases in the country where the ISIS is among the rebellious group under the control of the Syrian crossing in the border. The attacks of the Americans and other countries citizens in Syria by the ISIS rebels have necessitated the United States government to call for the military attack against Syria. The United States government believes that in order to attain law and order and to ensure that the human rights are respected in Syria it would be appropriate for the military attacks from the United States military. The United States government believes it is time to bring President Assad out of the power in order to stabilize Syria because he is the greatest supporter of the ISIS rebel instead of being a propagator of peace in Syria and the world. The United States Government believes that through the military attack the Syria democracy in political, social and economic sectors shall be restored.
        Give the mission of the United States military attack is to stop the ISIS rebels from advancing and expanding to Syria. There has been no need for hesitation because the military is already in the Syria grounds fighting the rebels. Moreover, despite the fact that the Pentagon has confirmed that the Islamic States has no potential to conduct terrorist attack against the American soil, president Barrack Obama has taken the issue with the serious it deserve because he believe that the western members of the ISIS have the potential to propagate the terrorism attack against the United states. Nevertheless, issues such as public opinion, the need to stop strengthening President Assad, high risk of casualties and inadequate intelligence are some of the factors the United States government continues to evaluate.

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